Tuesday 29 January 2013


So I had seen my GP today , I had a spirometry test done last week and the results were ok , which means no asthma  That lives us with anxiety attacks  that is what I suffer of recently , and that is why I had been so exhausted lately, as after each attack my energy levels hit the ground. Today my GP told me that she spoke to A. - my therapist , and that they both decided that I have to be reffered to a psychiatrist for an assessment- finally!

She said to me :
GP - I had spoke to A. and she seemed really nice.
I was stunned at this point I didn't know what to say and just stare at her.
GP - What?!  ... what?!
me - nothing I don't say anything - I felt surprised and dreaded that moment.
I felt like she had been totally rude to me.

Well not a first and not a last time probably, although I will have the assessment , which is a good thing, then I will know what to do.

So I got another medication to the fluoxetine and propranolol which is mirtazepine 30mg, this med suppose to help me sleep and have a bit of affect on changing mood. It is strongly advised for depression , so let see if it will help with my panic attacks.


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