I got a new med to take it at night to help me sleep through the night, this isn't good though because of side effects which highly affect me. Last night I woke up to my regular panic attack which had passed somehow quickly, then I woke up all shaken up , it felt like I had spasms, my abdomen hurt and my head. I felt like I am dying , I was so very cold , sweating extremely , feeling poorly and I thought that I am scared so much. Today I had done some research and it fits with the serotonin syndrome , which is too much of serotonin in the body. I am so tired, I slept through the day and now finally I feel rested. I called the surgery and asked for my GP to cal me back , but she hasn't , so I will take the tablet tonight but lower dose, the tablet is 30mg so I will cut it on a half and to see how it goes.