So I feel like the christmas at home was a good by to my mother, she kneed by my bed at some point the night we came over. She was suffering , she was unwell, she just came over kneed by my bed and said something to me , I don't recall what though. I just remember thinking " I forgive you , you are dying". Strange thought and weird , the next day I was wondering why I thought this way. I didn't know. Last friday we called a doctor to check her as she was poorly for the whole two weeks I had been at home. The diagnosis was pneumonia, with high possibility of astma or other kind of chest illnes. WELL my brother texted me today, call me quickly, I got very anxious I thought he will say that she died. She hasn't , but doctor come over today and told her she needs to go to hospital , she refused and dismissed a doctoctor- doc hasn't prescribed her any antibiotics, as she said they won't make her feel better. Well that is her chois, as usual sefish and hipocritic, doesn't take into consideration other people around her. She told my father that she knows that he wants to rid of her?! WTF?! She is so delusional , it is unbelievable, she told the same thing to my brother, so nothing is going through to her head. This is compleately out of order. So I know for sure that the mental health is in a way afected through generations, as my nana was very simular, suspicious and so concious of people, she didn't trust no one, she made people think that she is such a lovely person - but was she really? So if my mother won't go to the hospital any time soon it might be shortly to l;ate for her, and she will die.
What will hapened? Will she go to the hospital or she won't?