Monday 11 March 2013

addition to the previous post "bit of BPD"

So I thought of emptiness and I must say yes I feel empty , this was the feeling I wasn't sure about. I didn't know how good or bad this is. Now I know.
Considering all pron and cons , the emptiness feels awful  This is the kind of feeling you haven't got , but as well you know that it is there, close to you watching every step and making sure you are not alone . The kind of feeling when you can not think because you feel like there is nothing inside your head and then you feel like your soul had disappeared and is no where to be found.
Now I realized what is that emptiness and not boredom.
Feeling empty is the feeling which squizzes your throat and makes you feel attacked, the feeling so overwhelming that you are not able to do anything. I know now how bad it is to feel the emptiness.

Taking into consideration other bad feelings , emptiness is the worse one because I am unable to deal with that feeling myself. It has to pass all by itself, that is so strange. This feeling makes you feel like you don't exist, like you are not living nor existing. This feels like you are all by yourself and that you are completely numb, the feelings are turned off , you don't feel pain either.

It is bad, the numbness, emptiness, lacking thoughts, non existing , thats how emptiness feels.
