Thursday, 2 August 2012

:) / :(

Creation in my mind
The sadness of every day
The pain I feel inside 
The rage and bruised hands
Those cuts on legs are nothing 
Compare to hurting soul
The thouts race through my head
Will they stop at all?
I cry my heart out but there are no tears
It's anger which consuming me
The bloody mind is playing me 
The dream so weird and sad 
Those people in my dream 
Their pain is mine
Leave me alone and don't go away
I don't want you near me 
But I want you to be here
I'm like two magnets with opposite poles
It troubles me so much and it doesn't at all
I'm happy 
I'm putting my mask on and play the role 
The life story
The real me, inside, hidden and scared 
Who has outbursts of anger, and anxiety so deep
With troubled mind and the blade in my hand 
I write the story about my life.

Is that me ?
Those are like two different people
But I am only one
with my two different lives

first interview

I had my interview today and it was brilliant. I didn't smile and laughed like that for ages, the interviewers made me very comfortable and I enjoyed the experience. It was a very nice atmosphere and one of the interviewers showed to me the place when I would work if I would get the job. I mentioned earlier that I have two interviews, one I had today and the other one is sheduled for tomorrow. I even was able to meet a manager who will be interviewing me tomorrow, which is a good sign, I think. It made my day, now just to wait for a feedback and the second interview tomorrow. Lets hope,  I will get the job !
Wish me luck xoxo