Tuesday 31 July 2012


So I had received a call today fro the Right Steps. The person name Jovana called to book an assessment appointment for me next tuesday. I got the feeling that I don't like her, I don't know why but she was kind a strange and I disliked her accent. Weird, as I'm not that kind of a person who doesn't like people before I meet them and before they are able to show me their real personality. That was strange for me.
On the other hand I trust my gut feeling and maybe I am right for disliking this woman , I don't really know if she is a psychologist or just a trained person to help people deal with their lives. I suppose to have CBT - COGNITIVE BEHAVIOURAL THERAPHY so I think she might be a psychologist. I am already thinking of asking them to change her for someone else. I hope I will change my opinion the minute I see her, and she will be a great therapist and she will be really able to help me. I am finally happy , and just need the way to be constantly that way.

I rage for no reason , I snap in the second, I am aggressive towards the ones I love the most. I hurt people who are closest to me, and I don't do that with other people with whom I'm not bonded at all or bonded by the job. I am scared that they won't like me and then I will be alone and I will be not needed and worthless back again, and I don't want that. I think I am frightened to be a loner on the other side I don't like when people are coming over without letting me know in advance. I don't really have a personal social life, I have a few friends with whom I meet from time to time but not too often. I prefer to spend my free time doing any other stuff, I would clean , go shopping, take my son to the playground or anywhere else and do things I can do on my own, or sleep, read, write, doing all very unsociable things. Why?

How can I be so different?
At work I am everyones friend, I am patient, reliable, honest, communicative, but at home I am kind a dissociate. I avoid my few friends I have, at times, I want to call someone but at the end I don't. I can call my family and I rarely do that. The only person who I call is my husband, sometimes I will call a friend, but this is like once a month. I don't enjoy a phone call, and I do not really like to talk to people over the phone. 

At work I am so organised and at home I can not find a way to organise myself, although I am trying my best. Sometimes I can pull it all together and organise my day well , I do a few things at this same time and that's my problem. I don't find things difficult I learn quickly and I think I am clever, when people show me how to do things once I will do it myself easily. 
I wonder sometimes what is wrong with me, if I have any of the mental disabilities or it is just my imagination. If I'm causing it myself on purpose, that's kind of a thought I have when I feel down and when I harm myself, when after rage comes the point of feeling guilty and when I cry for no reason or I am so angry that I hurt the closest people to me. I blame myself for other peoples' problems, and I won't ever be good enough, even when I feel happy. 

A lot of unanswered questions in my mind, and I wonder if Jovana will be able to help me solve it. What will be my experience with CBT and if I can commit to the therapy.
Let see what time will bring.



  1. I just finished DBT, dialectical behavior therapy, and I found it very, very helpful. As long as I committed myself to it and really practiced it, it found it to be worth it in so many ways. My relationships with the people around me improved, it helped me realize the areas of my life that I needed to work on, and it definitely helped me calm the rage inside by using the skills provided. I'm calm and collected now. I don't impulsively explode at the people closest to me anymore. I have found joy and chosen to keep it around instead of pushing it away and stepping back into the comfortable.

    I think CBT will help. Good luck, and I hope that woman isn't as horrible as she seemed on the phone :)

    1. Thanks Saracide I hope that she isn't as well, and thanks for following
